THE ARTISTIC LIFE – Living the creative life in everything we do

About Jennifer

I enjoy travelling throughout Virginia, the US, and other beautiful places around the globe to bring to light all the beauty that I see in the world with my photos and paintings. To me, travel is not necessarily a matter of crossing long distances, but more of a state of mind, or a way of looking at the world and rejoicing in new experiences. I believe there is still beauty in the world, which can be found in both grand landscapes, as well as in the smallest details of nature, right in your own backyard. I have been particularly inspired by my travels throughout Europe, New Zealand, Arizona, and, most recently, in my home of Carrollton, Virginia.

I enjoy photographing and painting landscapes, cityscapes, florals, water scenes, macros, and still life, and finding beauty in unexpected places.

I am originally from the New York area, but now reside in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art and have been working in art-related fields ever since, particularly oil painting, photography, web design, and graphic design. In addition to these visual arts, I enjoy all sorts of creative endeavors, including cooking, decorating and playing guitar.

In mid-2011 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After a fairly extensive surgery at Johns Hopkins and radioiodine treatment, I am praying for a full recovery. However, only time will tell whether this treatment was fully successful, or if I will need more treatment. In the meantime, I am also using my creative efforts in learning about overcoming cancer through nutrition and exercise and am also using my creativity in helping spread awareness about thyroid cancer. Please see the ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association website  for more information about this disease. I hope that this blog can help share creative ideas, but also help spread awareness.

From my experience with cancer, I’ve learned that life is short…so be creative!

Comments on: "About Jennifer" (2)

  1. Are you married?

  2. Hi Jennifer, I just got reading through a few of your posts and I had a quick question. I am involved in the cancer community and was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance. Thanks! – emilywalsh688@gmail(dot)com.


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